Hello and welcome to my brand spanking new blog. I should say "our" brand spanking new blog as its not only about me, but the three people that mean the absolute world to me (I dont get too gushy too often I promise!).
I thought I'd spend a little bit of time introducing us, The Bowlers. There are four of us (which we're hoping to extend to five sometime soon...but shhhhh its a secret) there's me, Mummy B, my husband, Daddy B, and our two Little Misses, Miss M and Miss L. We also have a growing number of animals, three cats, two hamsters and a rabbit.
Me! Mummy Bowler
I am a stay at home mum, a title I say with pride! I literally feel like its what I was put on this earth to do, look after my husband, children and our home. I've tried other things, had other jobs before I was a mummy but Im just not career driven. Some people get satisfaction from their jobs, some people get pleasure from going on lots of holidays or buying a new car, I get the most satisfaction from getting my children bathed and in bed on time and my kitchen being clean! I have a small work from home job that I do to earn a bit of pocket money, but my priority is my children, my husband and my home...and I wouldnt have it any other way!
Daddy Bowler
We all love Daddy. Know the scenes in films where the kids go running at Daddy when he gets in from work? Yeah, thats our house! He works so hard to provide for us and in return, I try to make sure our home is as stress free as possible....well, as possible as it can be with two kids and seventeen animals (by the way, I like to exaggerate). We all look forward to weekends when we can kick back and relax and do stuff as a family. His favourite game with the kids is building mammoth train tracks that make their way around the whole living room...he is good at those, mine dont measure up in comparison. To me he's my rock, my best friend and although he's not perfect (who is??) he's pretty perfect to me.
Little Miss M
Our gorgeous first born daughter. Little Miss M is 7 and a half and in year 3. She is beautiful, sweet, kind, thoughtful and clever. She is also away with the fairies 90% of the time and it takes some persistence to get her to join us back on earth sometimes! School bores her and she lives for playtime when she gets to play whatever imaginative game has popped into her head. That said, she's really clever when she applies herself! Hmm...think something similar was written on my school reports. She loves it when we do crafty stuff together or cooking, which is handy, because I love it too!
Little Miss L
Our littlest one. Little Miss L is 3 and a half and I really dont know where to start with her. Its funny how two kids can be brought up in exactly the same way but develop such different personalities! Miss L is sweet, stubborn, headstrong, adores her big sister and would literally spend every minute of every day with her. She is also a big daddies girl and loves weekends when he's home. She's our little princess and wont wear a skirt unless it does twirls and likes her nails to be painted at all times!!
So...thats us in a nutshell. I hope you're looking forward to getting to know us as our little blog develops.
Thanks for reading and until next time x x
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